Fits an extremal random forest (ERF) with cross-validation.
Numeric matrix of predictors, where each row corresponds to an observation and each column to a predictor.
Numeric vector of responses.
Vector with minimum number of observations in each tree
leaf used to fit the similarity weights
(see also grf::quantile_forest()
Nodes with size smaller than min.node.size
can occur,
as in the original randomForest package.
Default is c(5, 40, 100)
Vector with penalties for the shape parameter used in the weighted likelihood.
Default is c(0, 0.001, 0.01)
A character specifying the estimator used to fit the intermediate threshold. Options available are:
, see grf::quantile_forest()
, (coming soon).
Intermediate quantile
level, used to predict the intermediate threshold.
For further information see Terefe et al. (2020)
Default is 0.8
Number of folds in the cross-validation scheme.
Default is 5
Number of times nfolds
cross-validation is repeated.
Default is 3
Random seed to reproduce the fold splits.
Default is NULL
An object with S3 class "erf_cv
It is a named list with the following elements:
A tibble
with columns: min.node.size
, lambda
, cvm
(mean cross-validated error).
A fitted "erf
" object on the full data using the optimal
and lambda